the Elements
The elements are the things that make up the universe as we understand it. I think how different people understand and interpret the elements can vary, so I don't think it's particularly strange that different people "use" different elemental systems. For myself, I use a five element system that's something of a hybrid between eastern and western systems: earth, fire, air, water and metal.
Based on a series of dreams I had when I was eleven or so, I have held that Fire was the first element to manifest, followed by Water, Earth, Air, and finally Metal. Each element pairs with an aspect. Aspect is not actually a very good word; functionally, light and dark, chaos and order and (void) are also elements. But I started using the word when I was a preteen and it's stuck.
This is one of those areas where my work is intensely personal, not because it's private but because I'm not sure it's meaningful to anyone who's not me or practicing with me. I don't think the elements as I understand them are a universal truth; pretty much the opposite, in fact. I know it's a unusual to dream of a religion when you're eleven, spend two decades trying to figure out what that religion is and then give up and start reconstructing it instead.
The first dream I had was actually Earth's dream, but inside the dream I knew that Fire and Water were there because they had already manifested. Air came later, and Metal was the last piece of the puzzle. This was where I learned that the world ends, and life goes on, over and over again. Each element, fully manifested, can change the world and break it. There are little apocalypses and there are big ones but always someone picks up the pieces; therefore the elements, and the world as a whole, are linked with the threads of fate. Magic is the process of learning to see those threads, to pick them apart or mend them, to create minor adjustments or make something else entirely.
Light and Dark
The light falls across her body in colored shards: red, green, cobalt blue. The Daughter of Light is unmoving aside from the soft twisting of color with each note she calls. She breathes in plain air and sings out promises and stained glass and hope and a spray of blood. Her throat was ragged from the sharp edges of color, and still she sang.
"Doesn't it hurt?" her auntie Dark asks, concern pulling her lips tight.
"Oh yes, very," the Daughter of Light responds.
Darkness wraps her arms around the younger spirit and pulls her into a tight hug. The Daughter of Light squirms, trying to escape.
"Why do you do it?" the Dark Lady asks with a sigh.
Light lets out a soft, smiling laughter. "Oh, it's just exquisite, the pain. It's lovely. You should try it."
The Dark Lady, who had held her daughter through more bawling and nightmares than this, shakes her head and only holds tighter.